Frequently asked questions
Where can I download the manual?
No worries, in the menu, go to 'Help', there is a 'Open the manual' option, that will open a PDF.How do I get an update?
Just download the demo again. If you are entitled to an update, just insert your serial number again and you are good to go.
You can have multiple versions on one computer. Just keep them in a seperate folder.
You are entitled to an update unless the version number goes up by a whole point (e.g. 1.8.2 to 2.0).
Where is the download link for my purchase?
There is none. If you buy a product, you will only get a license number.The application is the same as the demo!
To get your demo to the full version, enter the license number into the "registration" window. (file->register)
Where is my invoice?
If you bought something trough the webshop, you technically doing business with Avangate. They provide you an invoice and take care of taxes.LTCreader / coverter not reading LTC
On Mac, go into system preferences, security and privacy, and make sure the app has access to the microphone.On the latest Windows 10, it's about the same. Go to settings, privacy settings, microphone, and turn ON 'Allow apps to access your microphone'